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Encrypted Email and Why You Need It



You need a secure email option.


I'm an insurance agent myself, so I know you already know.  


90% of the email you send needs no encryption. 10% of it does. 


It's the 10% that demands attention.


But you had no good solution to send that 10% securely, so you had to find workarounds.


You emailed password protected PDF files, and then you lost the passwords. You used fax in order to avoid email, but your clients don't have faxes anymore and e-faxes can turn into email. You printed and delivered documents in hard copy face to face, when email would have been faster and more convenient for your clients.


You've made excellent efforts to protect your clients' information.


The good news is you don't need those workarounds anymore. A good secure email solution is finally available for you.




Sensitive information goes by many names.


There's PII and PHI.  And then there's PIFI and plain old SPI. And the catchall: NPI.


No matter what you call it, it's sensitive personal information about your clients.


You exchange it with your clients themselves, with the carriers you work with, and with colleagues who help with your cases. 


You worry about how to protect it. You are reminded all the time. You know what the compliance officers would say. You probably even signed a contract, or several of them, binding you to treat sensitive information confidentially.




What do your clients think?


If your clients get a secure email from another agent and you exchange private information with them using unsecured email, what do they think about you as an agent? What do they think about the protection you will give to their private information?




What about your non-client partners?

FMOs and carriers provide email addresses for all sorts of things, expecting that you use them only when sending secure email.




Why you shouldn't use "free" email.


If you're using "free" email then you don't have a secure option.


Even if you're paying $6 or $12/month for one of the "not-free" versions of "free" email, do you get a secure email option?


You might think the lock icon you see on your browser bar while using "free" email means that the email you send is secure. That is most definitely not the case. It does mean the connection is secure while you view your mail, but it says absolutely nothing at all about what happens when you click the send button. That lock icon on the browser bar is important, but it doesn't make your mail secure.


Here's an interesting tip - it's about more than just what you can send, it's also about what you can receive. Did you know that FMOs and carriers can have trouble sending secure email to you because of your "free" email domain?



Why use this email service?


Use this service because you just click a padlock icon on your message, before you click send, and your email is secure. It's that easy. 


No matter how you see it, as a carrier, as an FMO, as a business partner or as a client, agents need a secure email option.


You were diligent. You looked. But you never found an email service that provided an inexpensive and easy secure email option. How do I know? Because I'm an agent just like you.



Get Secure, Encrypted Email.

What Email Address Do You Need?  Nothing will be charged. Your request will be researched for availability.

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